Who Are We?

The South Shore Educational Foundation (SSEF) was created in 1999 to help finance projects and activities for the students of Riverside School Board on the South Shore of Montréal. Administrative costs of the Foundation are kept low through the volunteer efforts of the Foundations’ directors and also with the assistance of Riverside School Board.

We provide financial support for the projects and activities of students and schools of Riverside School Board on the South Shore of Montréal.

We all want our children to receive the best education possible, and then we expect government and school boards to fund all aspects of the education system.

However, current financial constraints make this difficult. Because current budgets can no longer provide financial assistance for projects and activities, our students and schools need the financial support of the community.

The mission of the South Shore Educational Foundation is to provide funding for unique and creative learning opportunities. In fact, the SSEF supports all efforts made and contributes to improving the public education system through the donations it receives from individuals, businesses, community organizations, and friends. These donations, which are tax-deductible, are allocated to schools to finance innovative and stimulating activities that promote student learning.

Although the projects may be large or small, they all have one thing in common; they make a big difference in expanding the range of learning opportunities available to students. To date, more than $ 1.4 million has been allocated to more than 800 projects in the education centers and in elementary and secondary schools of Riverside School Board. Donations can be intended for a particular school or for a specific project.

By providing financial assistance that is not available from other sources, the South Shore Educational Foundation helps Riverside School Board provide a stimulating and enriching environment that fosters the development and personal success of all students.


Recognizing the catastrophic effect of global warming and climate change on our planet (hurricanes, wildfires, flooding, etc.), we are encouraging all RSB schools and centres to create learning opportunities for our young people about the harmful effects of climate change and what we can all do to raise awareness so as to effect positive changes. A maximum of $500 will be awarded to the first ten schools that submit a project that teaches about Climate Change and the Environment.  Please submit a short description of your project, grade level, and name of school. The deadline for submissions is February 24, 2023. The SSEF will reimburse receipts for up to $500 per school on approved projects as long as the receipts are submitted by June 30th, 2023.

All members of the board of directors are volunteers.

The members are:

Paul Dionne

Lesley LIewelyn-Cuffling

Laura Prince


Andrea Borodenko
Anna Kowalewski
David Fournier
Deborah Angelus
Neela Parsnani
Victoria Chavez

Contact Us / Make a Donation

For further information on the activities of the South Shore Educational Foundation, to volunteer your services or to make a donation, please contact:

South Shore Educational Foundation

c/o SSEF Treasurer
81 Green Street
Saint-Lambert, QC J4P 1S4

tel: 450 672-4010

email: ssef@rsb.qc.ca

Donations are subject to a maximum 5% administrative fee.

Donations can also be made online: