Sexuality Health Education

The ministère de lÉducation et de lEnseignement supérieur has officially implemented the Sexuality Health Education into the school systems. All schools at Riverside School Board will be teaching the content in the 2019-2020 school-year.

The learning content defined by the Ministère is tailored to the students ages and levels of development, and is in line with recommendations of experts from the World Health Organization and UNESCO. School personnel in collaboration with parents and community organizations (e.g. health network, community organizations) will teach the content.

The school and the family play complementary roles in Sexuality Health Education. The complementary nature of these roles reinforces and optimizes the efforts of both. Rest assured that our school teams are deeply committed to the healthy development of your child. 

Letter to Parents

Information session

Sexuality Health Education Program in Elementary School

Information for parents: Please find below information regarding the Sexuality Health Education program for Elementary Schools. Riverside School Board’s Complementary Services have put together a list of documents and created information videos that summarize and explain the program per grade level. Please note that the content is intended for parents/guardians and is a sample of the RSB approach.

Riverside school staff was trained and support is available to respond to teacher questions and concerns as they may arise. The content will be taught in 2019-2020 school-year.

If you have concerns or questions regarding the program,
please email at : 



RSB Sexuality Health Education Informational Video for parents – Kindergarten Program

Kindergarten Program at a Glance

Sexual Growth and Body Image

Pregnancy and Birth

List of Books

Grade 1

RSB Sexuality Health Education Informational Video for parents – Grade 1 Program

Grade 1 Program at a Glance

Comprehensive View of Sexuality

Identity, Roles, Gender Stereotypes and Social Norms

Sexual Assault

Lists of Books

Grade 2

RSB Sexuality Health Education Informational Video for parents – Grade 2 Program

Grade 2 Program at a Glance

Emotional ans Romantic Life

Pregnancy and Birth

Sexual Growth and Body Image

List of Books

Grade 3

RSB Sexuality Health Education Informational Video for parents – Grade 3 Program

Grade 3 Program at a Glance

General Understanding of Sexuality

Identity, Gender Stereotypes and roles and Social Norms

Sexual Assault

List of Books


Grade 4

RSB Sexuality Health Education Informational Video for parents – Grade 4 Program

Grade 4 Program at a Glance

Emotional and Romantic Life

Identity, Gender Stereotypes and roles and Social Norms

Sexual Growth and Body Image

List of Books


Grade 5

RSB Sexuality Health Education Informational Video for parents – Grade 5 Program

Grade 5 Program at a Glance

Sexual Growth and Body Image

Sexual Assault


Grade 6

RSB Sexuality Health Education Informational Video for parents – Grade 6 Program

General Understanding of Sexuality

Grade 6 Program at a Glance

Emotional and Romantic Life

Identity, Gender Stereotypes and Roles and Social Norms

Sexual Growth and Body Image

List of Books

Useful Links

Talking To Your Kids About Sexual Abuse