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Healthy Living

Reference to the Healthy Living Policy is based on the MELS Policy Framework on Healthy Eating and Active Living.

A healthy diet has positive effects on young people’s development, well-being and learning capabilities.


Riverside School Board:

  • recognizes that healthy eating and an active lifestyle contribute to the intellectual, psychological and physical well-being of both students and staff;
  • believes that nutrition and fitness should be an integral part of the learning environment (curricular as well as extra-curricular) from elementary through to secondary;
  • appreciates that proper nutrition and fitness have a positive impact on students’ academic performance and also contribute to their overall success;
  • is committed to facilitating students’ acquisition of lifestyle habits that will be beneficial to their health and well-being.


  1. Ensure that all snacks and meals served to students in Riverside schools and centres respect nutritional standards, in accordance with the guidelines described in the MÉLS Policy Framework on Healthy Eating and Active Living;
  2. Encourage students, parents and staff to make healthy choices when preparing lunches and snacks to be consumed at school;
  3. Actively promote the benefits of and provide a variety of opportunities for physical activity.

School Board’s Responsibilities

  1. Provide ongoing support and follow-up to facilitate and ensure the sustained implementation of the Policy on Healthy Living;
  2. Encourage schools to develop tools (posters, newsletters, etc…) to heighten student and parent awareness of nutritional value of different foods and the health benefits of increased activity.

School’s Responsibilities

  1. Eliminate unhealthy food and beverages from cafeterias’/caterers’ menus and vending machines, such as those that are low in nutrients and high in fat, sugar, salt, caffeine and/or calories;
  2. Integrate the Policy on Healthy Living into the school’s Code of Conduct and, where possible, involve students in promoting the policy within the
    school and at home;
  3. Find opportunities within the curriculum to provide students with a better understanding of the nutritional value of food, including the various food groups, caloric measurement, sugar, salt and additives;
  4. Endorse healthy food choices for school activities;
  5. Promote physical activity beyond the prescribed curriculum and instil in students an appreciation for the overall benefit of adopting an active

Governing Board’s Responsibilites

  1. Reveiw the Policy at the beginning of every school year and provide support to the school staff in implementing the requirements of the Policy on Healthy Living and its guidelines;
  2. Encourage parents in its school community to become acquainted with Riverside School Board’s Policy on Healthy Living and to support its principles.


Riverside School Board endorses the sale of healthy foods and beverages for fundraising purposes.

School may continue to hold bake sales, pizza lunches, spaghetti dinners, etc… to raise funds as long as the spirit of this policy is respected.

Fundraising using non-food itmes should be considered, for example:

CandlesRecycling cans
Greeting cardsMagazine subscriptions
Garage salesUsed books
Wrapping paperFinancial donations to the South Shore Education Foundation

Fundraisers that promote healthy activities should also be considered, for example:

Fun walk/runsBowl-a-thons
Jump ropeCross-country ski-a-thons

Riverside School Board DOES NOT endorse the following fundraisers:

Sale of chocolate with less than 70% cocoaSale of candy and non-nutritious snacks

What Parents Can Do

Parents can actively participate in the implementation of the Nutrition Policy by optimizing the nutritional quality and variety of foods in lunch boxes and/or snacks.

Choose foods from the 4 food groups from Canada’s Food Guide when packing lunch boxes and snacks.

Vegetables and Fruit
Grain Products
Milk and Alternatives
Meat and Alternatives

Avoid choosing food and products where sugar is the first ingredient listed (other names for sugar include sucrose, dextrose, fructose, glucose, invert sugar, malt syrup, corn syrup).

Avoid products containing saturated or hydrogenated fats (trans fats) such as shortening, hydrogenated oil, lard, tallow, palm or palm kernel oil.

Reference: Framework Policy on Healthy Eating and Active Living,

Click here to see the Healthy Living Policy.