Leave of absence

Employees who wish to apply for a leave of absence without pay (part-time or full-time) for the 2025-2026 school year, or for a sabbatical leave with deferred salary plan (beginning as of the 2025-2026 school year) may do so during the open period in the spring of 2025. The relevant forms must be completed, signed and submitted to their immediate superior. Human Resources will post the forms and upload link to submit requests for the periods listed below.

Please note the following key dates:

Administrators, teachers and professionals: Open submission between February 15 and March 1, 2025

Support staff: Open submission between March 15 and May 1, 2025

For details on eligibility, please refer to our policy on leave of absences without salary and sabbatical leaves with deferred salary.

Leaves for 10 days or less for exceptional circumstances as outlined in our policy, the following form must be submitted through your school, center or department administration:

Parental Leave

In addition to the information below regarding your parental leave, please consult the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan for detailed information regarding maternity/paternity/parental leave benefits https://www.rqap.gouv.qc.ca/en/home.

Please send all requests and questions related to parental leaves to LOA_HR@rsb.qc.ca.

Workplace Accidents and Preventive Leave – CNESST

If you have had a work accident or require information related to CNESST, please contact CNESST_HR@rsb.qc.ca

Medical Leave and Salary Insurance

Should you be unable to work due to medical reasons, please communicate with the Human Resources department at medicalleave_HR@rsb.qc.ca. For further details regarding Salary Insurance, click here.


  • For all information related to retirement please consult the Retraite Québec website.
  • To consult a guide prepared by Retraite Québec on buy back service information, please click here.
  • Click here to access a Retraite Québec Application for a buy-back of one or more periods of absence (Public-Sector Pension Plan).
  • Should you wish to apply for a progressive retirement, please fill in this request form and send to Human Resources.

Please send all requests and questions related to retirement to pension_retirement_resignation_HR@rsb.qc.ca.