Thank you for your patience and understanding
concerning delays in bus routes and for new drivers
during the first weeks of the school year.



Transportation Services have a new online platform!

In order to facilitate communication, including transport requests, and to ensure a rapid follow-up of your questions, Soluqual*, a web platform, will be available. Thanks to Soluqual*, you will be able to:

  • Ask any questions regarding transportation (rules, bus stops, zoning, etc.).
  • Request an available seat on the school bus.
  • Request a second address for transportation (ex.: babysitter’s address, grandparents’ address, etc.).

*You will need to create a personal account to access the communication portal (Soluqual).

You will also be able to follow the processing of your request in real time and receive email notifications at each step of the process by our team.

To receive a quick response to your request, we suggest you use the link to our Soluqual platform (yellow button below), or you can leave a message on the Transportation Services voicemail at number: 450-672-4010 ext. 5080.

Please note that we process voicemail requests in order of priority. Thank you for your understanding.

mTransport Bus Card

It is following last year’s pilot project with mTransport, where more than 90% of parents who responded to the survey said they were satisfied with the mtransport system, that we will now start deploying this system on all our yellow buses and berlines.

mTransport is a mobile logistics solution for tracking transported students and vehicles. mTransport increase student safety by increasing the quality, reliability, and simplicity of communications between all school transport stakeholders.

This tool will allow the school board to follow the movements of its vehicles in real time and allow certain information to be transmitted to parents via an application installed on their smart phones thanks to the personalized map for the student and electronic tablets installed in school vehicles. This project is part of a concern to ensure the safety of the students transported.

To report the loss of your child’s mTransport bus card, click here and complete the form. A new card will be issued to your child.

Message to parents whose children travel on RTL Buses

New! 2024-2025 School Year

For the 2024-2025 school year, the transportation agreement between Riverside school board (RSB) and the Réseau de Transport de Longueuil (RTL) will allow more than 1,300 high school students to use public transportation to get to and from school.

NEW for 2024-2025: Eligible students will receive their OPUS card in the first days of the start of the school year. This OPUS card will already be loaded (paid) with a school pass with restriction allowing them to use the RTL public transport service from Monday to Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., throughout the school year (excluding the holiday season, spring break and statutory holidays). The cost of the OPUS card ($15) will be charged directly to parents on the 24-25 school supply invoice, unless there is notice of withdrawal or non-recovery of the OPUS card.

If parents wish, they will have the option to purchase the school pass without restriction, which will allow access to RTL lines at any time for the 10 months of the school year. This purchase, in the amount of $202, can be made by going to the ticket office, following the reception of your new OPUS card.

There will no longer be an RTL reimbursement check in May, since parents no longer have to pay the monthly fee for OPUS card tickets during school hours.

To find out if your child is eligible for school transportation, parents can check the school transportation notice which will be posted in the Mozaik Parents portal as of August 21, 2024. If it says PUBLIC TRANSPORT, this means that your child’s school transportation will be on RTL buses and they will receive their new OPUS card at school at the start of the school year. In the event that the OPUS card could not be produced during the summer, the parents concerned will receive an email during the week of August 5, 2024 to notify them of the procedure to obtain it at the ticket office.

In Summary


Who is eligible?

To be eligible, the student must reside in the zone predetermined by the Riverside school board.

How do I know if the transportation organized for my child will be on RTL buses?

Transport information for the 2024-2025 school year will be available on Mozaïk portal from August 21, 2024. If the type indicated is “PUBLIC TRANSPORT”, this means that your child will be transported with an RTL bus.

Instructions for connecting to Mozaïk parents.

It is essential that you inform the school of any change of address for your child, as transportation is planned based on information provided by parents.

What is a restricted school pass?

Riverside school board offers eligible students a school restricted permit allowing them to use the RTL public transportation service from Monday to Friday, from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. from August 29, 2024, to June 30, 2025, excluding the holiday period – Spring break and public holidays. There are no fees for parents for this educational qualification.

How to obtain the OPUS card and the transport tickets? At school :

OPUS cards and transport school tickets for students eligible for the school pass with restriction will be produced massively by the RTL during the summer period. To do this, Riverside School Board will send the RTL the required information concerning eligible students according to the data appearing in their file dated June 17, 2024. During the month of August, the school will receive the OPUS cards thus produced and will ensure distribution to students during the first days of school.

IMPORTANT: the $15 fee linked to the issuance of the OPUS card will be invoiced to parents by Riverside school board via the 2024-2025 school supply invoice, unless they have notified us of their withdrawal or if the students do not recover their OPUS card at school.

At the Ticket Counter:

A student who finds himself in one of the following situations must go to the Longueuil terminal ticket counter to obtain his OPUS card and his school transport pass with restriction:

– The student for whom the RTL was unable to produce the OPUS card during the summer period (the parents of the students concerned will be notified by email).
– The student who registered at school after June 17, 2024.

Before going to the ticket counter, the student must make an appointment on the RTL reservation platform by clicking here.

During their appointment, the student must ensure that they have in their possession the RTL eligibility certificate provided by the school and follow the RTL directives regarding the issuance of the OPUS card at a reduced rate for students. In particular, students who do not have an OPUS card must also present the duly completed Reduced Rate OPUS Card Form. The cost of the OPUS card is set at $15 at the ticket counter.

All the details relating to obtaining the OPUS card are available in the Student Zone section of the RTL website by clicking on this link. Students who already hold an OPUS card on which other unused transport tickets are encoded can also go to the ticket office, making an appointment, in order to have the remaining tickets transferred to their new OPUS card.

What is an RTL school pass without restriction?

Students eligible for an RTL school pass with restrictions also have the possibility of obtaining an RTL school pass WITHOUT restrictions allowing them access at any time to the RTL public transportation service upon payment of an amount of $202, valid from August 29 to June 30, 2025. This amount is payable upon issue of the title regardless of its date of issue. This title is only offered at the ticket counter to holders of an RTL school certificate which will be given to the student at the start of the school year and who already have an RTL school pass with restriction on their OPUS card.

Before going to the ticket counter, the student must make an appointment using the RTL reservation platform by clicking here.

How should I proceed if I wish to withdraw from the school transportation that is organized for my child?

The parent who wishes to withdraw from the public transportation service must complete the withdrawal form no later than September 6, 2024. Otherwise, the $15 fee related to the issuance of the OPUS card will automatically be invoiced to the parent. If the student has already received the OPUS card at the time of withdrawal, he or she must return it to the school. The parent who withdraws will then be responsible for providing transportation for their child to and from school. No other school transportation service and no monetary allowance will be offered for the student who has withdrawn from the public transportation service.

What are the regulations for traveling on RTL buses?

To benefit from the RTL public transport service, all students must have their OPUS card encoded with the required transport ticket and respect at all times the standards, regulations and directives issued by the RTL which concern in particular the possession and use of transport tickets, as well as the safety and behavior of people on board vehicles. To find out about the standards and regulations in force, please consult the section of the RTL website.

How can I get information on routes and schedules?

To find out all the schedules and available public transport routes, please consult the RTL website. To find out the school routes, integrated by school, click here.
If no integrated school line is available in your area for your child’s school, they must use the regular RTL lines.

To plan your travel time:

– Schedules and routes section of the RTL website.
– Chrono app, Transit app and Google Maps

*During the summer, the internet pages of the integrated school lines will be temporarily unavailable since they will not be in service. All information will be reinstated, up to date, during the month of August.

An interactive tool is available on the RTL website to allow you to learn about the integrated school routes for each establishment. The interactive map is accessible to the general public from the student zone here. From this map, you can now identify the routes serving each establishment and locate their stops.

J’Monte à bord” Guide

We recommend that any student who uses the public transport service read the J’Monte à bord! guide. This guide explains everything the student needs to know before making their first trips, as well as some distinctive safety concepts of the public transport bus compared to the school bus.

Riverside School Board (RSB) is an English school board whose vast territory is located in the Montérégie region. We transport more than 8,700 elementary and high school students to our schools, as well as other educational institutions during the morning and evening. In order to do this, we use 67 big yellow buses, 22 minibusses, and 57 berlines. More than 17, 000 km are traveled every day by our vehicles.

Safety is vital on board the school bus

Safety is a shared responsibility between the school board, the parents, and the children…

  • Click here to view the danger zones around the school bus and to see the proper and safe way of crossing the street when descending the school bus.
  • The Association du transport écolier du Québec (ATEQ) has produced eight fantastic web videos that focus on safety around school buses.  These videos are intended for children and are excellent learning tools that encourage safe behaviors. Click on the logo below to watch the videos (available in French only).



Transportation policy and rules

Our transporters

Map of RSB territory

Radio stations that announce school closures due to inclement weather

Contact us

For emergencies call 450 672-4010 ext. 5080 or communicate by email at

*Please note that you can find information on your child’s bus (number, stop, time) on the Parents Portal at Mozaïk portail as of August 23, 2023.