• Click here for information, advice, and useful resources for parents (from CISSS Montérégie-Centre).
  • Cliquez ici pour informations, conseils et ressouces utiles pour les parents (du CISSS Montérégie-Centre).

  • Click here for the chart.
  • Cliquez ici pour le tableau.

  • It is important to notify us if your child has an infectious disease.  Please indicate it in the Explanation box when justifying your child’s absence in Mozaik: https://portailparents.ca/accueil/en/
  • Click here for the list of infectious diseases that you must report to us.
  • Cliquez ici pour la liste des maladies infectieuses que vous devez nous signaler.

  • It is important to notify us if your child has lice. Please indicate it in the Explanation box when justifying your child’s absence in Mozaik: https://portailparents.ca/accueil/en/
  • Click here for more information.
  • Cliquez ici pour plus d’informations sur les poux.

  • It is important to notify us if your child has measles. Please indicate it in the Explanation box when justifying your child’s absence in Mozaik: https://portailparents.ca/accueil/en/
  • As soon as a case of measles is confirmed in school, all children and workers who are not protected against the disease are removed from the school. They may not return until they have been vaccinated, or up to 14 days after the last case of measles in the school.
  • Click here for more information.
  • Cliquez ici pour plus d’informations sur la rougeole.

  • It is important to notify us if your child has whooping cough. Please indicate it in the Explanation box when justifying your child’s absence in Mozaik: https://portailparents.ca/accueil/en/
  • There is a rise in whooping cough in Quebec.
  • Click here for the English letter from Public Health.
  • Cliquez ici pour la lettre de la Santé publique sur la coqueluche.

  • There is a streptococcus testing location in the area.  It is available to children and adults who need to be tested for Group A strep pharyngitis or tonsillitis
  • Appointments must be taken via Clic Santé

  • Wax pens are illegal.
  • Click here for the French document from Sûreté du Québec.